Gary Coleman died due to Intracranial Hemorrhage

We’ve regret to announce you the death of an idol of a whole generation, the USA and the fans of the TV SHOWS sound in mourning. This actor in the only success, nevertheless marked the spirits. We keep in memory this episodes with the social work, the cult retorts or still the humor of the 80-90′

Former child TV star Gary Coleman died Friday after doctors took him off life support, Fox News confirms. The “Diff’rent Strokes” star had slipped into a coma and was placed on life support after suffering an intracranial hemorrhage at his home Wednesday. He was 42.

Coleman, was conscious and lucid until midday Thursday, when his condition worsened and he slipped into unconsciousness. Coleman was then placed on life support before doctors took him off.

Coleman has had continuing ill health from a kidney disease he suffered as a child. He had at least two kidney transplants and had ongoing dialysis.

he family acknowledged his struggles in its statement, saying Coleman had had “difficulties not only with health issues, but also with his personal and public life.”

At times it may not have been apparent, but he always had fond memories of being an entertainer and appreciates his fans for all their support over the years,” the family said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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On nous apprend la mort d’une idole de toute une génération, les USA et les fans de la série son en deuil. Cet acteur au succès

unique, a pourtant marqué les esprits. On aura toujours en tête cette épisodes avec l’assistance sociale, les répliques cultes ou encore l’humour des années 80-90. Je vous en supplie  stop, je ne veux pas d’hommage national, je ne veux plus qu’on chiale un acteur, qu’on quasi oublié des écrans durant ces dernières années. Lorsqu’il a joué dans d’autre séries ou navets c’était là qu’il fallait l’applaudir.  Soyez honnête, on ne doit pas aimer uniquement quelqu’un de mort, mais lors de son vivant; je trouve cela un peu plus sympa et plus cohérent.

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